En el capítol "Arquitectura i sentit comú" es donen a conèixer exemples del que s'anomena arquitectura sostenible entre els quals es presenta el projecte Living Lab LOW3. Laboratori viu per a una arquitectura i un estil de vida més sostenibles.
Ens agrada que produccions com Deuwatts vagin trobant lloc en els mitjans de comunicació i esperem poder seguir col.laborant en la difusió dels coneixements necessaris per a anar cap a un futur sostenible.
Enllaç: http://www.btv.cat/alacarta/deuwatts/46935
Architecture and common sense. Deuwatts (BTV)
[eng] Living Lab LOW3 appeared October 11 at the TV program Deuwatts at Barcelona Television (BTV), a documentary program about science, health and environment.
In the chapter "Architecture and common sense" examples of so-called sustainable architecture are presented, among them our Living Lab LOW3 - Living Laboratory for architecture and a more sustainable lifestyle.
We are pleased that programs like Deuwatts find their way into media and will hopefully have more opportunities to collaborate in the dissemination of knowledge for a more sustainable future.
Link: http://www.btv.cat/alacarta/deuwatts/46935
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