divendres, 5 de juliol del 2024

InnoEnergy - Master Program RENE: Innovation and Co-creation Seminar

A new edition of our Innovation and Co-creation Seminar has been held 2-5 of July for the InnoEnergy MSc Program "Renewable Energies"(RENE) with around 37 students from 12 different countries working on a “Holistic Sustainability Approach for Innovations”. 

Under the topics “Housing, Energy and Lifestyle” students got known to the innovative concepts of UPC's nearly zero energy buildings, exploring and analyzing the technological concepts of the LOW3 prototype house in the fields of solar thermal, solar photovoltaic, HVAC, bioclimatic building management and energy monitoring systems, energy storage and circularity. Besides, a visit to the low-energy student residence of the campus enriched the discussions on new approaches to sustainable buildings and cities and decarbonization of our society. Students tested the Carbon Coaching App SUSLA (www.susla.app) and calculated their own lifestyle carbon footprint. 

After more than 10 years of collaboration with the MSc Program RENE of KIC InnoEnergy students feedback confirms once again that the LOW3 Living Lab offers a valuable contribution to engineer students’ education through its holistic approach to sustainability, bringing together in one place the important topics of Housing, Energy and Lifestyle.

dimecres, 5 de juny del 2024


The LOW3 team speeded up final construction Works at LOW3 and finished the design of the upper exposition and event space, the shading for the LOW3 terrace as well as outdoor furniture. The Living Lab has been perfectly prepared for the final event which consisted in a Kahoot quiz on decarbonization at the ETSAV terrace with prices for the winner, the individual group presentation at LOW3, open to guests, and a final party with produce from the community garden, a ping-pong match and music and drinks for celebrating the great outcomes we achieved this semester. 

Congratulations to all LOW3 students of this semester and farewell to our Erasmus guests! It was a pleasure to have you with us!

dijous, 16 de maig del 2024


All teams are currently finishing their construction projects as our course end comes closer! The upper floorspace get's in shape for future events like movie sessions and exposition of sustainable construction materials as well as recovered and recycled construction waste, as circular economy needs to be adressed urgently by the building sector. 

Outdoor furniture is constructed out of parachute textile waste and paper waste recovered from the Department of Technology, filling the "snake" and other sitting elements with 140 kg of paper, the yearly consumption per capita in Spain!

Also the pergola and shading devices for the LOW3 terrace are getting finished. Removable foundations, recovered steel beams and reused greenhouse shading fabric make a perfect combination and a very low impact. Great work!

dijous, 25 d’abril del 2024

LOW3 - Green Office Working groups are now fully active!

LOW3 - Green Office Working groups are now fully active: Community garden secured and planted, first recycled furniture and equipment constructed (Ping Pong table!), LOW3 upstair space under refurbishment, “In the Cube” Podcasts under production, GoGreenETSAV Instagram with regular posts, LOW3 shading device with removable foundations in design and experimentation stage. Great Work!

divendres, 12 d’abril del 2024

Second year Construction Systems Course explores LOW3

Solar thermal collectors, solar PV installations in buildings, design for disassembly, modular prefabricated housing, light-weight greenhouse technologies, circularity of building materials, and many other topics are nice to learn in theory, but why, when we can just walk down the campus and visit a prototype building, experience, explore and touch its components and materials, and start a discussion and reflection process right in the place?

Second year class of Construction Systems II course had the opportunity to do so, and I think it was a fruitful way to learn about construction techniques, solar technologies and sustainable solutions for buildings in general.




dimecres, 14 de febrer del 2024

GREEN OFFICE ETSAV initiative starts its third year!

25 new students, half ETSAV, half Erasmus, took over LOW3 for continuing another semester with our GREEN OFFICE activities at ETSAV.

In the third edition 2023/24, the students are currently carrying out a reform of the interior spaces of the Living Lab LOW3, for use as an exhibition space for reclaimed and recycled materials from construction and the design and construction of a pergola with recycled materials for the terrace of the LOW3 solar house on Campus, with the aim of being able to use the space as an activity space for the entire ETSAV community during the warm months. In addition, the garden is reactivated community of the Campus and optimizes the collection and reuse of rainwater for irrigation and continues with the GoGreenETSAV dissemination projects and the In the Cube podcast.

25 nous estudiants, meitat ETSAV, meitat Erasmus, es van fer càrrec del LOW3 per continuar un semestre més amb les nostres activitats GREEN OFFICE a l'ETSAV.

A la tercera edició 2023/24, els estudiants actualment duen a terme una reforma dels espais interiors del Living Lab LOW3, per al seu ús com a espai d'exposició de materials recuperats i reciclats de la construcció i el disseny i la construcció d'una pèrgola amb materials reciclats per la terrassa de la casa solar LOW3 al Campus, amb la finalitat de poder fer servir l'espai com a espai d'activitats per a tota la comunitat ETSAV durant els mesos càlids. A més, es reactiva l'hort

comunitari del Campus i s'optimitza la recollida i reutilització d'aigües pluvials per al seu reg i se segueix amb els projectes de difusió GoGreenETSAV i el podcast In the Cube.




divendres, 7 de juliol del 2023

RENE - Innovation and Co-creation Seminar 2023 ETSAV

A new edition of our Innovation and Co-creation Seminar has been held 3-7 of July for the InnoEnergy MSc Program "Renewable Energies"(RENE) with around 45 students from 12 different countries working on a “Holistic Sustainability Approach for Innovations. 

Under the topics “Housing, Energy and Lifestyle” students got known to the innovative concepts of UPC's nearly zero energy buildings, exploring and analysing the technological concepts of the LOW3 prototype house in the fields of solar thermal, solar photovoltaic, HVAC, bioclimatic building management and energy monitoring systems, energy storage and circularity. 

Besides, visits to the low-energy student residence of the campus and to the Savasco prototype building which explores low-impact building materials based on agricultural waste products, enriched the discussions on new approaches to sustainable buildings and cities. Students tested the Carbon Coaching App SUSLA (www.susla.app) and calculated their own lifestyle carbon footprint. 

After 10 years of collaboration with the MSc Program RENE of KIC InnoEnergy students feedback confirms once again that the LOW3 Living Lab offers a valuable contribution to engineer students’ education through its holistic approach to sustainability, bringing together in one place the important topics of Housing, Energy and Lifestyle.

dimecres, 24 de maig del 2023


WISER prototypes and the related exhibition about Construction and Demolition Waste at LOW3 have been presented by students to their fellows within a festive and dynamic event at the ETSAV terrace and the LOW3 Living Lab facilities. A Kahoot quiz about important figures regarding embodied carbon and the decarbonization challenge in general spread the word and some knowledge about the changes we need to make in the building sector and as society as a whole. 
Ice-cream, beer and music contributed to combine the social with the disciplinary side of the event and LOW3 showed once more to be a great space for value discussions, learning by doing and a holistic approach to sustainability. 
Congratulations to the LOW3 students of this semester!

dimecres, 10 de maig del 2023

LOW3-WISER: Prototype construction!

We now enter the final phase of LOW3-Wiser: Prototype construction of our WiSER proposals (Waste-based Intelligent Solar-control-devices for Envelope Refurbishment). Students are using the CRITT Building Workshop at ETSAV and the LOW3 Living Lab spaces for construction of 1:1 samples of their designs. These will then be exposed and tested at the LOW3 south façade for understanding their performance under real conditions of building integration. A great way of a learning by building approach on construction, performance and materiality of building envelopes and solar control devices!

dimecres, 19 d’abril del 2023

LOW3-WISER: Second Design Review

At the ETSAV school of Architecture took place the second WISER Design Review with experts and the presentation of 6 proposal (3 of each Architecture School). First 1:1 mock-ups have been presented, showing the materiality of some solutions. Other proposals have been presented through 1:10 models, demonstrating the operability of the solution. After this second review, 1:1 prototypes will be constructed in both courses for evaluation of proposals under real conditions. 

Additionally, ETSAB students could visit the LOW3 Living Lab at the ETSAV campus and the exposition of construction and demolition waste materials prepared by our students. Let’s convert so-called waste into a resource! Starting to understand what circular economy in the building sector means and needs!