dijous, 17 de març del 2016


[eng] Living Lab LOW3 welcomed a delegation from ENSAG - Les Grans Ateliers  (http://www.lesgrandsateliers.org) under direction of Prof. Pascal Rollet at the ETSAV campus. ETSAV projects like the PAuS platform, the Les Planes Neigbourhood project and the Ressò project at Rubí have been of major interest for this team of architects and engineers which are currently searching for new collaborations and synergies of their institution and programs on international level.

Prof. Pasqual Rollet stated:  "In Grenoble, we are probably more advanced than you in the technical and construction part of our projects, but you seem to be further ahead than us about “Living Lab” and working with communities topics." 

Future collaborations are planned, based on the existing URBAN BUILDING LAB proposal regarding co-housing and living lab initiatives, and the participation in an “Experiential learning” symposium planned in October 2016. 

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