dijous, 17 de març del 2016


[eng] Living Lab LOW3 has been inspiration, platform and object of educational and innovation research since its foundation in 2011, resulting ultimately in the publication of a Doctoral Thesis about Living Labs in Architecture by its director Torsten Masseck under guidance of Prof. Albert Cuchí as thesis supervisor. 

The original contribution to knowledge of the thesis is a structured review, analysis, classification and benchmarking of historical and recent Living Labs in Architecture for their better understanding, development and use as efficient tools for teaching, learning and innovation in the field of sustainability. Several frameworks are developed, contributing to a better understanding of the role of Living Labs for ESD in the special context of Higher Education Institutions and the discipline of Architecture. 

A classification and benchmarking tool is proposed for a structured analysis and comparison of Living Lab projects related to ESD in HEIs. 
Living Lab LOW3 as specific Living Lab action research project at ETSAV (UPC) is documented and analyzed in order to gain insight in an experience-based approach to Living Labs in Architecture.

The international PhD Jury consisted in Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arch. Werner Lang (TUM, Munich), Dr. Christa Liedtke (Research Director Wuppertal Institute) and Prof. Dr. Jordi Segalás (Director IS.UPC). The thesis defense resulted in an "Excellent cum laude" evaluation by the jury. Collaborators, audience and jury have been invited to celebrate the event with a reception at the solar house, as origin and case study of the presented research work.  

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