divendres, 15 de juliol del 2022


GREEN OFFICE ETSAV, located at the CISOL, is an new initiative supported by GBCe (Green Building Council Spain), through the collaboration program GBCe-Universities called "Decarbonizing my Diploma”, focused on raising students’ knowledge and awareness about the urgent decarbonization of the building sector. Within the GREEN OFFICE program at ETSAV 4 strategic projects related to this mission are carried out through student participation, linked to the elective course LOW3: Living Zero!, and supported by contracted student collaborators.

GoGreenETSAV (@goGreenEtsav): New information channel on Instagram which mixes information about decarbonization on national and international level with information on local initiatives, student projects at ETSAV, and architecture.

GREEN CUBE: Conversion of the SOLAR CUBE into a multifunctional module for Green initiatives, dissemination and activities towards the ETSAV community, as well as solar energy support for charging mobiles and laptops trough an autonomous PV system.

GREEN LAB: Intensification of the use and equipment of the LOW3 prototype house as a Living Lab on Green technologies in the context of sustainable housing and lifestyle.

SUSLA ETSAV: Evaluation of the Carbon Footprint of the ETSAV students and employees through our SUSLA carbon coaching app (www.susla.app) with the aim of implementing bottom-up initiatives for decarbonizing our community.

Many activities have already been carried out and many more will come! Join us!

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