After the start of our course last week, our MOOC students met the first time at the LOW3 solar house at our campus in order to get known to the housing prototype, explore and discuss its concepts, materials and technologies, as well as discuss about our MOOC online platform, the course structure and content as well as the opportunities and threats of this innovative form of teaching and learning.

Students showed to be very satisfied with the possibility
to learn on their own pace, in the moments they decide, and in the place they
feel comfortable. On the other side they agree on the importance of in-person
meetings with the opportunity to discuss about the topics of the course.
According to them, sustainable architecture in
its widest interpretation, from construction and technology to energy
performance and urban transformation, is still a pending lesson at ETSAV with
much more subjects needed in order to acquire knowledge they consider essential
for their professional future.
On the other side students are happy benefitting from a "2 in 1" course offer, learning about sustainable architecture and lifestyle and by the way improving their professional English. Erasmus students from Brasil, Finnland and Sweden agreed on the advantage of this combination.
After the first Learning Module about Sustainable Lifestyle, now Module 2 about Sustainable Housing Concepts will start.
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