divendres, 5 de juliol del 2024

InnoEnergy - Master Program RENE: Innovation and Co-creation Seminar

A new edition of our Innovation and Co-creation Seminar has been held 2-5 of July for the InnoEnergy MSc Program "Renewable Energies"(RENE) with around 37 students from 12 different countries working on a “Holistic Sustainability Approach for Innovations”. 

Under the topics “Housing, Energy and Lifestyle” students got known to the innovative concepts of UPC's nearly zero energy buildings, exploring and analyzing the technological concepts of the LOW3 prototype house in the fields of solar thermal, solar photovoltaic, HVAC, bioclimatic building management and energy monitoring systems, energy storage and circularity. Besides, a visit to the low-energy student residence of the campus enriched the discussions on new approaches to sustainable buildings and cities and decarbonization of our society. Students tested the Carbon Coaching App SUSLA (www.susla.app) and calculated their own lifestyle carbon footprint. 

After more than 10 years of collaboration with the MSc Program RENE of KIC InnoEnergy students feedback confirms once again that the LOW3 Living Lab offers a valuable contribution to engineer students’ education through its holistic approach to sustainability, bringing together in one place the important topics of Housing, Energy and Lifestyle.

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