divendres, 27 de març del 2015


[eng] ETSAV has received a new educational visit by Escola Gravi from Barcelona, which spent half a day at our campus visiting and exploring its experimental installations in the field of sustainable architecture and renewable energies.
 First visit has been the SOLAR CUBE Photovoltaic Laboratory at the CRITT terrace, getting known to its different types of PV modules for building integration, the components of a PV system including inverter, charge controller and battery storage.
Students experimented the influence of orientation and inclination of a PV installation on the overall energy performance by moving the laboratory in different positions regarding the sun and by inclining the south-wall integrated PV modules, monitoring their instant energy output through a control device installed in the laboratory.
Second visit has been the Living Lab LOW, where students split up into four groups, exploring the solar house and its installations. Energy control and management, bioclimatic concepts and mechanisms, photovoltaic energy generation and the solar thermal installation have been centre of the explorations and measurements.